Base was born in 2020 from the desire to create a personnel partner for industrial sectors that makes high-quality personnel selections.
Our many years of industry knowledge cover industry, construction, logistics and property maintenance. We can provide organizations with extensive and significant added value regarding HR issues in these industries. It is important to note that our network is also international.
We also want to be the best employer for our employees who promotes people in their careers. We know our customers better than others, so we know how to choose just the right people.
Base is part of the Workteam Group. Recruiting requires precision and experience, but in a group, we push each other to the best possible and find the best practices for efficient work.
Our sister company Base IT offers specialized know-how for demanding recruitment in the IT industry. Through the group, we can also help with the personnel needs of numerous other industries, such as the trade sector or interpretation and translation services (sister company Suomen Tulkkauspalvelu Oy). Our burning desire is to serve and help both employers and employees. When the parties succeed, we succeed too.
Let's grow businesses and careers together.